Panel 1
Sister: Big guys?
Toullie: What?
Panel 3
Toullie: Ohhhh! Big EYES!
By Greenlaw
When they were kittens, Sergeant would play too rough with Toullie and make him cry. Then one day Toullie got bigger.
Panel 2 is my Jack Kirby tribute.
Originally published in September 2008.
Panel 1
Toullie: Ow! Ow! Ow! Sergeant, stop hitting me!
Panel 2
Toullie: I said stop it!
Panel 3
Sergeant: No fair! You have a weight advantage!
Toullie: Is that a fat joke?
One down, ninety-nine more to go.
Originally published in June 2008.
Panel 1
Text: Little Green Dog presents Brudders. Starring Sergeant Marshmallow and Ratatoullie.
Panel 2
Sergeant: I’m Sergeant!
Toullie: I’m Toullie!
Panel 4
Sergeant: So far, I can’t say I’m very impressed with this strip.