Hi. We’re back!
Panel 1
Toullie wakes up, startled.
Toullie: Gasp!
Panel 2
Toullie (thinking): Did I really hear the ‘F’ word?
Panel 3
Toullie (thinking): Yup.
By Greenlaw
I sang ‘Hanukkow’ to Alisa to get her opinion. She pointed out that cows only had four nipples. “Rats,” I thought. “Cow biology messes up the song.” But, no, she just gave me the punchline! Thanks sweetie.
Happy Hanukkah from Team Little Green Dog!
Panel 1
Toullie and Sister are dancing and singing:
Hanukkow, Hanukkow
Spinning, spinning like a dreidel
Hanukkow, Hanukkow
‘tato latkes, made o’ ‘tato
Panel 2
Hanukkow, Hanukkow
Lights a candle on an udder
Hanukkow, Hankkow
Every night she lights anudder.
Panel 3
Sergeant: Cows have only four nipples you know.
Toullie and Sister stick their tongues out at Sergeant.
Toullie: Hanukkow has eight.
This is going to be my last Brudders comic for a while. The strip is going on hiatus so I can catch up on other Little Green Dog projects and to spend more time with Sergeant. Don’t worry–Brudders will be back before you know it.
Rough pencil sketch.
Panel 2
Sergeant: Hey!
Panel 3
Sister: Hisss!
This is why one must know his onions.
Actually, I only just heard this phrase for the first time recently. It’s good advice if you have cats.
Panel 1
Toullie: Sergent, did you know that if you eat an onion, you’re pee smells like an onion?
Panel 2
Sergeant: Toullie! Onions are poisonous to cats!
Panel 3
Toullie: 911? My sister ate an onion!
The concept sketch for this one was interesting because of the location where I doodled it. According to the note, I got this idea while I was wandering around Mosaic Canyon in Death Valley last winter. Not sure why I was thinking of ramen noodles at the time. Maybe because I was freezing my butt off out there?
Here’s the sketch version of the comic.
Originally published in July 2012.
Panel 1
V.O.: Do you like 3D movies?
Sergeant: No. My life is not so uninteresting that I want stuff expoloding in my face every two minutes.
Panel 2
V.O.: Do you recycle?
Toullie: It would be wasteful to wide a bicycle only once.
Panel 3
V.O.: How do you feel about the presidential candidates?
Sister: Pwesents and candy, yay!