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Episode 85 – ‘Hanukkow’

Episode 85 – ‘Hanukkow’ published on No Comments on Episode 85 – ‘Hanukkow’

I sang ‘Hanukkow’ to Alisa to get her opinion. She pointed out that cows only had four nipples. “Rats,” I thought. “Cow biology messes up the song.” But, no, she just gave me the punchline! Thanks sweetie.

Happy Hanukkah from Team Little Green Dog!


Panel 1

Toullie and Sister are dancing and singing:

Hanukkow, Hanukkow
Spinning, spinning like a dreidel
Hanukkow, Hanukkow
‘tato latkes, made o’ ‘tato

Panel 2

Hanukkow, Hanukkow
Lights a candle on an udder
Hanukkow, Hankkow
Every night she lights anudder.

Panel 3

Sergeant: Cows have only four nipples you know.

Toullie and Sister stick their tongues out at Sergeant.

Toullie: Hanukkow has eight.

Episode 76 – ‘Carmen, Act IV’

Episode 76 – ‘Carmen, Act IV’ published on No Comments on Episode 76 – ‘Carmen, Act IV’

I hope you enjoyed our adaptation of Carmen.

I’d been wanting to adapt Carmen ever since Alisa took me to see the Los Angeles Opera production back in 2008. It was the first time I saw an opera performed live on stage and it made a great impression on me. Eight years later, I finally got around to figuring out how to write and draw these strips.

Here are some of the costume designs.
You may have noticed that the knife doesn’t exist in any of the sketches. It was added as an afterthought. Originally, I didn’t think it was necessary to show the murder weapon but changed my mind the day after I drew the strip.

If you’ve never seen the opera and get a chance to, I highly recommend it. Personally, I’d love to go to another one some day but it’s really just too expensive for me.


Toreador, en garde! Toreador, Toreador!
Et songe bien, oui, songe en combattant
Qu’un oeil noir te regarde,
Et que l’amour t’attend,
Toreador, L’amour t’attend!

Sergeant: You can arrest me. I was the one who killed her! Ah! Carmen! My adored Carmen!

Sister: All done! No more singing!

Episode 75 – ‘Carmen, Act III’

Episode 75 – ‘Carmen, Act III’ published on No Comments on Episode 75 – ‘Carmen, Act III’

Action and romance! If you’ve never seen the original opera, take notes for school because this is the same exact thing. No, really it is!075-Carmen-Act-III-sketch


Panel 1

Sister: I look for Carmen

Panel 2

Sister: Yes.

Panel 3

Toullie: Oh, l’amour! They are fighting over me.

Episode 74 – ‘Carmen, Act II’

Episode 74 – ‘Carmen, Act II’ published on No Comments on Episode 74 – ‘Carmen, Act II’

Continuing our tragic interpretation of Bizet’s opera,



Panel 1

Sister (singing):
To-to-ro roar in ga-a-arden!
To-to-ro ROAR! To-to-ro roar.
Eet sum beenie weenie anna ba-na-na!
Can I know otter ca-a-a-rd?

Panel 2

It gay lemon kitten
Totoro roar,
le-mon ki-it-ten!

Panel 3

To-to-ro roar in ga-a-arden!
To-to-ro ROAR! To-to-ro roar…

Toullie: Sooo…to the secret mountain hide away?

Sergeant: If it’s far away from here, then yes!

Episode 73 – ‘Carmen, Act I’

Episode 73 – ‘Carmen, Act I’ published on No Comments on Episode 73 – ‘Carmen, Act I’

Beginning a four part adaptation of the famous opera by Georges Bizet.

073-Carmen-Act-I-sketchA 073-Carmen-Act-I-sketchB


Panel 1

Toullie (singing):

L’amour est enfant de bohème; 
il n’a jamais, jamais, connu de loi. 
Si tu ne m’aimes pas, je t’aime, 

et si je t’aime, prends garde à toi!

Panel 2

Toullie: Prends garde à toi!

Sergeant: Hey!

Panel 3

Sister: Bad kitty!

Toullie: If you wet me go, Don Jose, I will give you a kiss!

Panel 4

Sergeant: I’m ignooooring you!

Toullie: Fine, I’ll kiss you anyway!

Episode 65 – ‘Lullaby’

Episode 65 – ‘Lullaby’ published on No Comments on Episode 65 – ‘Lullaby’



Panel 1


Wuvin’ you is easy cause you’re beautiful,
Do do do do do doooo…

Panel 2


Panel 3

Sister: All done! No more singing!

Episode 61 – ‘I Wite The Songs’

Episode 61 – ‘I Wite The Songs’ published on No Comments on Episode 61 – ‘I Wite The Songs’

Originally published in May 2013.


Panel 1

Sergeant: We need a new song.

Toullie: How about this one?

Panel 2

We’re two butts passing gas in the ni-i-i-i-ight,
We both smell and we say it’s alwi-i-i-i-ight,

Panel 3

We’re big weears…

Panel 4

Toullie: Not a Bawwy Maniwowe fan, huh?

Episode 48 – ‘Ye Olde Saturday Morning Cartoon Show’

Episode 48 – ‘Ye Olde Saturday Morning Cartoon Show’ published on No Comments on Episode 48 – ‘Ye Olde Saturday Morning Cartoon Show’

Originally published in August 2010.


Panel 1


Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye!
’tis rotuuuuund Toullie!

Panel 2


And I shall sing a song for thee-ee,
And Ser Gent will impart a tale or thwee

Panel 3

Sergeant and Toullie:

Meow! Meow! Meow!
Gonna have a good time!Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye!

Sister: All done! Off head! OFF HEAD!

Episode 46 – ‘Recital’

Episode 46 – ‘Recital’ published on No Comments on Episode 46 – ‘Recital’

Originally published in June 2010.


Panel 1

Toullie: Listen to this Sergeant. I taught Sister to sing a song.

Panel 2


Baa, baa, bwack sheep,
Have you any woo?

Panel 3


Up a bubba world so high,
And one for the widdle boy
Who wivs down wane

Now I know my A-B-C,
How I wonder what you are?

Panel 4

Toullie: It’s a medwey!

Sister: Medwee!

Episode 38 – ‘A Cat’s Song’

Episode 38 – ‘A Cat’s Song’ published on No Comments on Episode 38 – ‘A Cat’s Song’

Originally published in December 2009.


Panel 1


I’m being shadowed by a Moon Hippo,
Moon Hippo, Moon Hippo
You cannot hide from the Moon Hippo,
Moon Hippo, Moon Hippo

Panel 2


If I ever woose my mind,
Empty skull, void and null
If I ever woose my mind,
Oh, i-i-i-i…i-i-i-if…

Panel 3


I won’t have to think no more.

Panel 4


I’m being swallowed by a Moon Hippo,
Moon Hippo, Moon Hippo
A Moon Hippo has about thirty-six nipples,Moon Hippo, Moon Hippo!

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