The story of two cats and their feral sister and how they changed the world. Okay, not really. It's mostly a bunch of poop jokes.
One down, ninety-nine more to go. Originally published in June 2008. Transcript Panel 1 Text: Little Green Dog presents Brudders. Starring Sergeant Marshmallow and Ratatoullie. Panel 2 Sergeant: I’m Sergeant! Toullie: I’m Toullie! Panel 4 Sergeant: So far, I can’t say I’m very impressed with this strip.
Originally published in June 2008. Transcript Panel 1 Toullie: Hey, Sergeant. Want me to gwoom you? Sergeant: Uh, okay. Panel 2 Toullie (Singing): My widdle pony, my widdle pony, I comb and bwush her hair. Panel 3 Sergeant: Stop singing that song. Toullie: It’s okay, we’re bwudders.
Originally published in June 2008. Transcript Panel 1 Voicemail: At the tone, record the greeting you would like callers to hear. Panel 2 Toullie: Hi, this is Toullie’s voicemail. Pwease weave a message after the beep and I’ll weturn you call as soon as I can. Panel 3 Voicemail: If you would like to hear… Continue reading Episode 3 – ‘Voicemail’
Originally published in June 2008. Transcript Panel 1 Toulllie: Here comes Sister. Panel 3 Sister: RAWR! Panel 4 Sergeant: Freak! Sister: Meow! Meow! Meow! Meow!
Transcript Panel 1 Toullie (Singing): I’ve seen cheese of gween, Yewwow and bwue, Panel 2 Toullie (Singing): And then there’s a cheese that smells just like poo, Panel 3 Toullie (Singing): And I think to myself, what a wonderful world. Panel 4 Sergeant: Too bad you’re lactose intolerant.
Originally published in July 2008. Transcript Panel 1 Sergeant: What are you eating? Panel 2 Toullie: Boney toe fwakes. Want some? Panel 3 Sergeant: Ew! Good god, Toullie! That’s disgusting! Panel 4 Toullie: Fine. More for me then.
Originally published in July 2008. Transcript Panel 1 Toullie: Guess what Sergeant. I’m your big widdle bwudder, and you’re my widdle big bwudder. Panel 2 Sergeant: Yup. Panel 3 Toullie: That makes sister our big widdle sister. Sergeant: Uh, okay. Panel 4 Toullie: And that makes you her widdle widdle big bwudder and I’m her… Continue reading Episode 7 – ‘Relativity’
Originally published in July 2008. Transcript Panel 1 Sergeant: He’s the cute one. Toullie: He’s the handsome one. Panel 2 Toullie: Or maybe I’m the handsome one? Panel 3 Sergeant: No, you’re not.
Originally published in Aug 2008. Transcript Panel 1 Toullie: Why can’t I be the handsome one? Panel 2 Sergeant: Girls aren’t ‘handsome’ Toullie. Girls are ‘cute’. Panel 4 Toullie: I’m not a girl!
Originally published in August 2008. Transcript Panel 4 Sergeant: Excuse me, but a little privacy would be in order here.