Toullie (pronounced too-wee) is the cute younger brother.
Episode 56 – ‘Refreshment’
Originally published in January 2012. Transcript Panel 1 Sergeant: What is that? Panel 2 Toullie: A fwozen hotdog. Panel 3 Toullie: It’s wike eating a meatsicle.
By Greenlaw
Toullie (pronounced too-wee) is the cute younger brother.
Originally published in January 2012. Transcript Panel 1 Sergeant: What is that? Panel 2 Toullie: A fwozen hotdog. Panel 3 Toullie: It’s wike eating a meatsicle.
Originally published in July 2012. Transcript Panel 1 V.O.: Do you like 3D movies? Sergeant: No. My life is not so uninteresting that I want stuff expoloding in my face every two minutes. Panel 2 V.O.: Do you recycle? Toullie: It would be wasteful to wide a bicycle only once. Panel 3 V.O.: How do you… Continue reading Episode 57 – ‘Opinions’
Originally published in July 2012. Transcript Panel 1 SFX: Wheeee. Bam! Panel 2 Toullie: Wee wee bang bang! Wee wee bang bang! Panel 3 Sergeant: No wee wee bang bang. No wee wee bang bang. Panel 4 Sister: Waaah! Narrator: Happy birthday America!
Originally published in August 2012. Transcript Panel 1 Sergeant: Toullie is learning to read Japanese. Toullie (in Japanese): Arigatou. Panel 2 Toullie: A – ri – ga – to. Panel 3 Toullie: Oh, I know that word. Panel 4 Toullie: ‘Gato’ means cat.
Originally published in May 2013. Transcript Panel 1 Sergeant: We need a new song. Toullie: How about this one? Panel 2 Toullie: We’re two butts passing gas in the ni-i-i-i-ight, We both smell and we say it’s alwi-i-i-i-ight, Panel 3 Toullie: We’re big weears… Panel 4 Toullie: Not a Bawwy Maniwowe fan, huh?
Transcript Panel 1 Toullie: A penny! Panel 2 Toullie: Find a penny, pick it up, and all the day you’ll have good luck. Panel 3 Toullie: It’s twue. Today I found a penny!
Transcript Panel 1 Toullie: Sergeant, wet’s pway a game. Panel 2 Sergeant: Okay, how about lazy tag? I’ll be it. Toullie and Sister: Yay! Lazy tag! Panel 3 Toullie: How do we pway? Sergeant: Sister, would you please tag Toullie for me?
Transcript Panel 1 Toullie: Wuvin’ you is easy cause you’re beautiful, Do do do do do doooo… Panel 2 Toullie: MEEOOOOOW! Panel 3 Sister: All done! No more singing!
Transcript Panel 2 Sister: RAWR! Panel 3 Sergeant: What’s up with her?
Transcript Panel 1 Narrator: The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea in a beautiful pea-gween boat… Sergeant: What are you supposed to be? And why am I wearing a dress? Toullie: I’m the Owl and you’re the Pussycat. Panel 2 Narrator: They sailed away, and were mawwied next day by the Turkey who wivs… Continue reading Episode 68 – ‘Lear’